Deborah and Melissa on emerging trends in social behavior.

Deborah and Melissa on emerging trends in social behavior.

10 Qualities of a Modern Gentleman
Is being a gentleman an archaic concept? Or is it still relevant today? Does the word “gentleman” conjure images of an ancient knight in shining armor fighting valiantly for a lady, or a man wearing an expensive suit, dining in five-star restaurants, and tipping his...

You Don’t Always Get What You See
“That’s not what I said!” “You weren’t paying attention!” “Were you even in that meeting?” Miscommunication. It happens to all of us. A seemingly “clear” message is lost in translation, resulting in frustration, hurt feelings, mistrust, and lost productivity. Sound...

Etiquette Evolves: Are You Equipped?
Mention etiquette at your next social event and marvel at your ability to suck the air out of the room (trust us, we know!). After a long pause, some may say that etiquette is outdated. After all, who cares about stuffy dining procedures, “upper class” protocol, and...

Beat Isolation With Acknowledgement
We live in a world plagued by isolation. The morning alarm starts a mad dash to complete an overflowing to-do list before we drop in bed for the night, only to repeat the process the next day. Despite our busyness, many of us spend a lot of time alone. We work from...

What Do Your Clothes Say About You?
Clothing is a powerful communication tool, but it is often poorly understood and vastly underutilized. In a blink of an eye, your clothing can present you as a sophisticated professional with valuable insight or someone that lacks credibility. We all know that you...

Top 5 Gift Etiquette Tips for Gracious Giving
You know the holiday shopping season is in full swing when the Salvation Army’s ringing bell and red bucket greet you at every store. Family, friends, neighbors, service providers, charities, and colleagues fill your ever-expanding gift list. Selecting the perfect...

3 Powerful Reasons Family Meals Matter
Dining is not just about eating. Dining presents a powerful opportunity to connect and deepen relationships, but busy lifestyles make meaningful meals a challenge. A 2013 Harris Poll found that the frequency of family dinners is declining through each generation, with...

10 Skills Every Child Should Possess
Practical tips for teaching children to be civil in an increasingly uncivil world. Today’s parents are raising children in a different environment than I did. Children—once allowed to play outside unsupervised—are now closely watched by parents. Every activity is...

Civility is Not Dead
For years, the future of civility in America appeared bleak. Countless news stories documented the death of civility in our country, citing dirty politics, dramatic polarization, online bullying, road rage, increased narcissism, the inability to share viewpoints...

Door Etiquette: Ladies First?
We have all stood awkwardly waiting for an elevator door to open and found ourselves negotiating who enters and exits first. Likewise, we have all approached a revolving door with a moment of hesitation as we wondered who enters first to push the door. Today,...

5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Posting on Social Media
There are two truths about posting on social media: everything is public and everything is permanent. Everything. Perhaps there was a day when you could attempt to keep your professional and social life separate, but social media changed that forever. Your online...

To Tip or Not to Tip?
I recently asked friends on social media for their thoughts on tipping. I was surprised by the number, diversity, and passion behind their responses. While many enjoy demonstrating their gratitude with a generous tip, others felt tipping was an individual decision...

Kindness Pays: Boost Productivity Through Praise
If you were given a choice between a 10 percent raise or a kinder boss, which would you choose? According to an NBC News State of Kindness poll, 70 percent of survey participants would forego the cash for a kinder boss. Kindness expressed through praise and...

10 Ways to Avoid Disaster and Plan the Perfect Trip
Travel can expose us to different cultures, diverse styles of dress, beautiful sights, new and cherished relationships, and tantalizing foods! But for many, the mere thought of pulling out luggage, braving the airport, and surviving hours flying at 30,000 feet in a...

How to Maintain Your Cool When a Conversation Gets Hot
Conversation is challenging enough at times. When it gets heated, conversation can seem impossible. While some double-down and dig in, others back up and exit—perhaps not physically, but emotionally. When emotionally charged, increased cortisol levels make you more...

Resolve to Audit Your Personal Brand
Visit a Starbucks anywhere in the world, and you will encounter a familiar experience: friendly, knowledgeable baristas who serve made to order cups of coffee in recognizable green and white cups. Starbucks’ memorable brand builds trust with customers and keeps them...