What Do Your Clothes Say About You?

10 Skills By 10 Years Old

Do you know the 10 skills every kid should master before turning 10?

As parents, we want the best for our kids. We spend hours searching for the best schools, sports programs, and creative outlets. We obsessively google parenting strategies, healthy recipes (that our kids may or may not eat!), and learning tools. We desperately want to equip our kids with everything they need to thrive as adults.

But do you realize that kids must be taught social skills to succeed?

A 20-year study shows a shocking link between a child’s social skills in kindergarten and their well-being as adults. Kids with good social skills were more likely to obtain higher education and hold full time jobs nearly two decades later, while kids who didn’t develop good social skills were more likely to have trouble finding employment, face substance abuse problems, and have run-ins with the law.

“[H]elping children develop social and emotional skills is one of the most important things we can do to prepare them for a healthy future. From an early age, these skills can determine whether a child goes to college or prison, and whether they end up employed or addicted.” Kristin Schubert, program director at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, which funded the research said.

Being great with people is a skill that will pay major dividends in your child’s life. Like every skill, social skills must be taught, and you are the front-line teacher. Look for opportunities to model desired behavior, explain the benefits, and praise a job well done.

Here are 10 skills that every kid should master before turning 10:

  1. Confidently introduce themselves to new people.
  2. Make eye contact during conversation.
  3. Properly shake hands when meeting adults.
  4. Show interest in others by asking good questions and listening to the answers.
  5. Say “please” when making a request and “thank you” when the request is fulfilled.
  6. Cooperate when playing or working with a team (share, include all members of the group, agree to compromise).
  7. Consistently use basic table manners (sit up straight, chew with your mouth closed, manage a napkin, properly handle a knife and fork).
  8. Be a gracious guest (promptly RSVP, bring a gift, greet other guests, join group activities, thank the host).
  9. Respond to compliments by smiling and saying, “thank you.”
  10. Send a thank you note for gifts received and special acts of kindness.

Need help? We have you covered. It is our honor to help equip kids with these critical life skills.

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