Do you know how to choose clothing that flatters your body?
Have you ever found yourself not being able to pinpoint why a certain top or pair of pants doesn’t look quite right? You love the color and style, but every time you put it on you don’t feel great.
The right outfit has the power to fuel your confidence. But knowing how to pull an outfit together can be confusing, especially when a popular trend doesn’t look great on you. Some people embrace all their curves and feel fabulous in everything, which is wonderful! Others feel more confident when their less loved features are not highlighted. If the latter is you, here is one tip to help you choose an outfit that flatters your body in a way you love:
Never repeat a line that you don’t want to emphasize.
For example, if your upper arms are fuller than you like, do not select a sleeve length that ends at the fullest part of your arm. Why? A sleeve that ends at the fullest part of the arm will emphasize and often exaggerate the arm’s width. A better choice for someone who wants to diminish the width of their arm would be a sleeve length that ends where the arm begins to taper. Similarly, the most flattering length for pants, skirts, and shorts is where your leg is most narrow or begins to taper.
Choosing clothes that flatter your body is easier when you remember to never repeat a line that you don’t want to emphasize. How do you want to be remembered? ™
Want to learn more about the power of your clothing? Read our blog titled What Do Your Clothes Say About You?.