You Should Always RSVP
Did you know that everyone should RSVP, but only about 30% of people do?
RSVP comes from the French expression “répondez s’il vous plaît,” which means “please respond.” If you receive an invitation with RSVP on it, you must tell the host whether or not you plan to attend the event.
RSVP does NOT mean:
- Only respond if you can attend.
- Only respond if you cannot attend (the expression “regrets only” is used for this purpose).
- Do not respond at all and decide whether to attend at your convenience.
It is an honor to be invited to an event. Treat your host with respect by immediately letting them know whether or not you will attend. Your host needs to know how much food to buy, how to plan seating, and what party supplies are needed. If the event is being catered, your host must specify how many guests are attending and often pay for their plates in advance!
A client once asked if it would be appropriate to send a $500 invoice to two couples who were no-shows at an elaborate, catered dinner party held in their home (the answer was no). If you RSVP “yes” to an event, do not be a no-show unless you are ill, there has been a death in your family, or you were in an accident – in which case, notify your host immediately.